NVR2L8, you have an great bunch of folks to work with! That was so thoughtful and considerate of them.
Congratulations on getting your first birthday gift, and also on having such awesome work buddies. Good on you, man!
i bought my girlfriend a birthday gift yesterday.
it felt weird.
i'm 43 years old and have never done this before.
NVR2L8, you have an great bunch of folks to work with! That was so thoughtful and considerate of them.
Congratulations on getting your first birthday gift, and also on having such awesome work buddies. Good on you, man!
it looks like 5 of us will get together tomorrow at a starbucks on camp bowie in fort worth, texas.. this is one of those impromptu occasions which either suddenly come together or else just get jaw-jacked into a non-event:).
ricky g is a recently minted ex-jw who is moving to my vicinity from denton.
he has posted his story and other videos on youtube.
Hi Terry,
That sounds like a great group, and I sure wish I could be there myself. Alas, I am basking in life with my true love and soulmate up here in snowy NH, so getting down there on such short notice is nigh on impossible.
Nevertheless, I hope you all have a wonderful visit. Your other apostabuddies expect a full report (redacted as necessary, of course), so we can vicariously enjoy the mini-apostafest in absentia.
Some of you guys have way too much time on your hands...
There are plenty of legitimate things to berate the Society about, but subliminal art isn't one of them. Harping about this non-issue makes us all look like nuts. Give it a rest.
heard about it today just not sure if i should go
it was recently that i found out that my dad was a paedophile while reading a post on this site (shocker to say the least), but out of something so awful a good thing has occurred.
some on here will know my backstory about how my loving jw parents disowned, but i digress.
thanks to that post i am now in contact with my sister who unbeknown to me is a member of this site and saw my response on the thread about my dad.
If it's not too personal and painful, would you consider posting a link to the thread that led to your discovery about your dad? It may be that others here have things to say that might comfort you.
You are very brave to share so much of your story here. My hat's off to you. You've been through so much.
Please keep visiting and posting. Your openness and writing talents bring another valuable voice to this site. It's so good to have a place where you know there are others who understand "where you're coming from" and where you're free to say whatever you have to say.
just wow!.
some of the comments i read were hard to stomach.. https://www.facebook.com/myministryideaz?fref=photo.
I was able to leave a comment: "Uhhh... shouldn't that be one overlapping generation?"
I wonder how long it will stay up before someone gets their panties in a wad.
Even such a harmless aside is too much for some people. We all know the Slave™ is beyond question, even if it's in jest with raised eyebrows and a half smile. The Emperor has no clothes...
1sa 28:3-25 (nwt - not revised version).
7 finally saul said to his servants: seek for me a woman who is a mistress of spirit mediumship, and i will go to her and consult her.
then his servants said to him: look!
The old standby seems to apply here:
"What is meant is what was implied, rather than that which was spoken."
a sick little girl goes to ny to meet caleb and sophia for her make a wish trip.. http://www.kmph.com/category/170789/video-landing-page?clipid=11142038&autostart=true.
i don't want to make too much comment as there is an innocent and poorly young girl at the heart of this but i do have to wonder what the purpose of the parents courting the media's attention over this really was..
I agree with everyone above. I feel so bad for poor little Makenna . She seems so sweet, and yet she has this terrible affliction to deal with (being born into and indoctrinated by a mind-control cult). She also has devastating medical problems.
It does seem her parents are getting her the vey best medical care available, and that's a good thing. I am sure they cannot see the contradiction between praising the work of highly educated people at advanced research facilities and their own precious organization's continuous rant against acquiring such knowledge and contributing to that research. It seems they are "using the world to the full," and I am glad they are in this case, but still...
Less important, but still significant, is the fact that the parents quite willingly accepted the Make A Wish Foundation's generosity but barely mentioned any sort of thanks or gratitude to those who made it possible. This broadcast would have been a perfect opportunity to do so. At least they allowed the little girl to wear a Make A Wish t-shirt. Of course, they then dampened that little bit of acknowledgment and gratitude by pinning a big ol' "JW dot org" button on top. It's also highly unlikely they ever donated to Make A Wish or anything similar, because their masters (the Slave™ is such a misnomer!) strongly discourage doing so. Can't be helping any worldlies, you know.
With that attitude, I think the JWs should conscientiously decline any such gift from a "worldly" organization and make their own arrangements if a desperately ill child wants to visit Bethel. The Society could easily afford to do so in extreme cases like this. Might even give a "good witness," because you know they'd publicize it to the hilt. But I doubt that'll ever happen. They seem to be accumulating wealth simply for the sake of accumulating wealth.
I don't know if blood will be an issue in this case (and it might, given the prospect of brain surgery), but the same principle applies. Most JWs are quite willing, maybe even appreciative, to use whatever blood fractions are on the "approved" list, but adamantly refuse to donate blood. I would bet the majority don't know, and none of them care, that it takes thousands of blood donations to provide the fractions that even one JW patient might use. To me, this is selfish and hypocritical. You might even say greedy. I fervently hope Makenna doesn't wind up needing blood. But if she does, and her parents deny her that, I hope that gets publicized just as much as did their visit to the JW Mecca on someone else's dime.
I also thought the parents' shameless promotion of "JW dot org" was in poor taste. It was not enough to mention it several times and refer to it as "Jehovah's house." They had to pin a big button on Makenna's t-shirt and a pin on the dad's top as well.
All that said, the parents do seem to be genuinely loving and concerned for Makenna's welfare. And she is the precious innocent in all of this. Little does she know they would sacrifice her on the altar of the Watchtower if it came to that. They would be very sad, and they would wish it otherwise, but in the end, they would do it. Such is the tragedy of living under the delusion of "serving God" when one is actually under the thumb of a self-serving mind-control cult.
Regardless, I do wish Makenna and her family all the best. I know how devastating her illness must be on all her loved ones, and my heart goes out to them. What kind of a "loving God" would permit such needless tragedy?
To quote one wiser than I:
“With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.”
joe slaiman and his wife jean were in the travelling work in australia throughout the 90's... ( i may have spelt the name incorrectly).
anyone remember them?
they were very well liked by many of the brothers and sisters.. i wonder what happened to him?
Joe, I have to say it again. You are one very courageous man to publicly reveal your name, personal email address, and reasons for leaving the organization. I hope the Society leaves you be and doesn't feel it necessary to make an example of you after all these years.
If the Society would take this approach with all who wanted to leave as a matter of conscience, and let them do so with their honor and dignity intact, it would be a much healthier and more respectable organization. No shunning would be required, which in itself brings reproach on the organization and the god it claims to represent. It would still be a cult, but perhaps slightly less of one.